Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

Memorial Day

Since it's inception in 1868 Memorial Day has been set aside to remember those who gave their lives serving our country.  Originally known as “Decoration Day”  it was 1st celebrated on May 30, 1868 as a day to honor both Confederate and Union soldiers buried at Arlington National Cemetery. 

Some we lose are close to us.  This past year we lost Uncle Vic who served at the Battle of the Bulge and Damon Winkleman who lost his life in Afghanistan. 

Jesus talked a lot about serving one another.  13Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13 KJV)

In fact, we celebrate a memorial to Jesus when we partake of the Eucharist - the communion ceremony.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Stolen tools do not stop PBT's new WALLS...!

 Nehemiah faced political and pagan resistance to the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls. Pioneer Bible Translators was robbed last weekend of thousands of dollars of builders equipment. 

Despite the loss of tools the planned Saturday workday continued with volunteers from area churches helping.The floor joists are in and the wall framing is rising. 

Of course, it seems to me that PBT always dreams dreams that only God can make come true. What an organization.... formed on prayer, based faith, fueled by prayer. The word... the word... in their own heart language.... God will provide for PBT our first ever building of our own for the International Service Center in Dallas, TX. Do you have skills and a week to donate this summer..? We have a need for you.

Please, please, pray for our new building, pray for our people out there now working in 46 different languages.

The Completion of the Wall
Nehemiah 6:15 "So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days. 16 When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God."  NIV

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mothers Are Proud Of U Everywhere..!!

There is a special feeling associated with Mother's Day.   It seems to generate from our subconscious.   Why this wonderful warmth..?   Why this rush to say, "Happy Mother's Day..?"  

Perhaps it is because we recognize mother always saw the best of us. 

Mother's behaviour was incongruous. (Incongruous: "..not in keeping with what is correct, proper, or logical)..."

Ever heard, "Only a mother could love ...."?  Sooo... I cannot stop myself giving back to mother's love.   Wow... gosh.... hmmm....
Maybe mothers get their ability to see only the best in us from... God's love

All right. O.K., I admit it. I cannot really get a handle on God's love.  I get glimpses where I almost break through now and then.   Humbled...  and each Mother's Day brings a ray of understanding...  for a moment or two. 

But, I will tell you this -  Exodus 20:12 says, "... honor your father and your mother that you may live long in the land..."   A command and a promise;  I think it deep logic.  Children who honor live better lives, cleaner lives, more loving existence.

Thank you, mother for having believed in me.  Happy Mother's Day..!! Someday...someday... I too will be there to... fully understand.

Click below  to go to our Facebook page and tell one thing you thank your mother for this Mother's Day.....

Click here to tell Mom...!