Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Only One Life to Give

Only one life 'twill soon be past,
Only what's done for Christ will last.”

The life of Phyllis Rine continues to influence people. She lived the motto that hung on the living room wall in her home in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. She made the ultimate sacrifice in Africa on Nov. 24, 1964.

I shared her story with the students at International Christian College of Manila, Philippines because I believe, that as dedicated as these students are, they may also make that ultimate sacrifice. Some of the students are from Mindanao, the part of the Philippines known to be hostile to Christians. The major world religion there does not share the love of the same Jesus we serve. As I interviewed the Seniors I asked if they were willing to serve no matter the cost and they each were very adamant they would serve to the end.

In my article for the Christian Standard (11.23.2008), I wrote
..we must remember Phyllis Rine and why she was martyred—an unwavering faith that was willing to go and serve wherever she was called, even in the face of grave danger. Her life is to be remembered as a testimony and example for others to step out in faith and take risks necessary to serve the Master.”

Pray for strength to face the ultimate sacrifice and hear the final words, 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant...”

China Listening Post

"Be still and know that I am God..."

It was March of 2011. Charliece and I were on the highest mountain within the official Hong Kong area. We came upon this old dilapidated concrete building. To me it was large for all the work done constructing a concrete building in a remote place. The building was obviously totally abandoned.  It had been constructed years and years ago at some great expense. I wondered if men had carried the concrete up here step by step.

Inquires to our Chinese host soon exposed the purpose of the building. It seems it had been built when Hong Kong was under British control. The building was a "listening post" into mainland China.  "Yes," I said to myself, "... up here in the quiet and looking over into the mainland..." 
Hmm... sort of reminds me of Psalm 46:10 when the Lord God of the Universe says,

10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God..." 

Today,  I wonder if the 1.3 billion in China ever get an opportunity to actually read... "Be still, and know that I am God..."

Hmm...  I guess that is our job. Thank you Lord that we may sereve.