Saturday, January 8, 2011

More Travel Tips

Bill and I continue to bring you travel tips gleamed from our association with missionaries. Today, International Travel is both exciting and affordable. Travel also makes mission work available to young people as well as adults. Don't forget, being an American citizen brings privileges as well as responsibilities.

There are things we can do to better ensure our travel safety, and the peace of mind for family and friends left behind while we travel. Most critical is to under gird every trip with prayer for travel safety.  Try to make sure you are traveling to a safe country—not always possible if you are mission minded.
Sooo... here are  our two IMPORTANT TRAVEL TIPS FOR THIS WEEK:
The United States Government works to protect us as much as they can when we set foot on foreign soil. I strongly urge everyone traveling outside the US to ask for their protection. Signing up for this service is free and secure but they have to know you are traveling, and like good parents ask, “Where are you going, when will you be home, AND who will you be with?”
1.  Registering with the State Dept is relatively easy. Before you travel check out this website:
The web site has much valuable information to make your travels easier. It gives guidelines such as what is expected of you—you are a guest in a foreign place—REMEMBER THAT!! It also will tell you what immunizations and shots are required, sometimes appropriate dress, details about money and extremely important VISA information. It also lets you know what you can take with you and what you can bring back. Just because you can purchase an item in a foreign country does not mean that country will let your trinket leave the country or the US will allow it, no matter how beautiful or expensive to enter our country.

Good advice includes:
2.  Check your overseas medical insurance coverage: Ask your medical insurance company if your policy applies overseas, and if it covers emergency expenses such as medical evacuation. If it does not, consider supplemental insurance.

Please, if you are traveling, take the time to do this or contact me—I will do it for you and even be the contact between the US State Dept and your family!! Oh, and please keep our personal South East Asia travel in prayer.
- Love you all, Charliece

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Travel Tips

Happy New Year...!
Here comes 2011.... ready or not....the world awaits... awaits answers...!
Jesus is the answer...!

Charliece and I have been discussing how we can share travel tips and travel safety ideas with youMissionaries are by definition travelers.  Jesus gave very explicate travel instructions to His disciples as He sent them on their mission.Travel today is different but we still need to be prepared and cautious  We must be considerate of the countries in which we desire to be guests. The two of us travel, but more importantly we are involved with the comings-and-goings of a couple hundred fellow Pioneer Bible Translators Missionaries. 

Charliece is the person to whom everyone turns for answers like, "Do I need some sort of insurance if I go to Africa ?" And, "....what is a letter of invite..?" Or maybe, "...what is a visa..?"

Bill worries about who is in the air, where they are landing, 'correct flight numbers' and when are they landing.   

Sooo... here are our most important two travel tips to begin new year travel:
1. Have a specific contact person back home who has your complete itinerary.

If you are driving across the U.S., leave with your contact person - your vehicle color, the year, make and model of car, and tag number. 
If you are flying, make sure the contact person has a copy of your e-ticket. 

2. Get a passport. Keep  it renewed. Check your passport dates well before travel. Many countries require you to have more than 6 months left on your passport before they allow entry. Therefore many US Airlines will not let you board if you walk up to the gate with a passport that expires in less than 6 months. 

Summary: Make sure people back home know your schedule and make sure your passport is up to date.

We will keep you in the loop on our personal travels to the South Pacific Areas. Please help us out financially for our trip to Manila in March.

We will keep you in the loop with weekly travel tips.  If you or anyone you know is getting ready to do a "short term mission trip" this year.... get them on our mailing list... you could save their trip....!!!

We love you all and appreciate your financial support and cherish your prayers,

In His service,

Bill and Charliece