Friday, October 9, 2009

Translate From What......

It has surprised me of late... many people say something like, "... now you are using the King James to translate aren't you...?"

Well.... no.... we use the greek and the hebrew. After all that is where the King James translators also started...!!

We translate into the "heart language" of a people. For example my language which I grew up with is "english." Yours might be "spanish" or "a tribal tongue."  This is why our translaters live, eat, and sleep with their language group.

NEW subject: We have some openings. Charliece and I are booked every Sunday in October and November except the last Sunday of November 2009.  We also have some Wednesdays open. 

We are available for retreats and workshops next year but we need to get you on our schedule ASAP.  

IF you would like us to speak/preach/teach/power point, etc. please drop us an email.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome, I love what you guys are doing!
    God Bless you!
    Varinka for Gordon :)
