Many times people hear about "Bible Translators" and think of one person deep in the jungle struggling for years. Or, they think of a modern style monk sitting head down over a computer really "whipping out" the translations. Both are of course far from truth. Today there are 6,912 languages. Only 439 have the entire Bible in their own language. Pioneer Bible Translators is currently working in 46 places. We have over 200 adults and another 200 children on the field. Teams may have linguists, translators, teachers, IT specialists, "keep it running" specialists, medical people, ... and the list goes on. Some of our teams are in... shall we say... "interesting places." Keeping all these folks "out there" is our job at the International Service Center. We need more people, more money, more genius, more prayer. PBT exists o n l y because of prayer.
Please pray for PBT.
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