Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Snowing on moving work

The snow started flying today in Ohio. Naturally... we feel even more needed in Dallas! Moving will soon be completed! AND, it has been a real learning experience.  When we went to Johnson four years ago,  I could not think of getting rid of any of my possessions--uh..precious treasures to me; junk to all others.  As Bill unlocked the back door on our first return trip to our old farm house,  I knew I could do it.  At least I could part with some things and put the rest in storage for four years, confident it would all go to a new home.  Over those four years God dealt with me and my possessions have become a little less important; not totally—just “a little.”  And, now the time has come to complete that project and when it becomes difficult to part with a past part of my life, the One who has provided all those possessions has graciously found ways to allow me to part with my treasures.  Some things quickly went to Good-Will or were sold.  My family graciously consented to take the things I thought I could not part with—my mother's collection of salt and peppers and my mother-in-law's china my daughter-in-law graciously accepted, furniture to a niece and two nephews who were thrilled to receive a part of their mothers' heritage. I have even been able to gift to my only great-niece some of the books her grandmother, whom Anna knows only through us,  loved to read.  I pray  Anna gets as much pleasure from her reading !   Our children graciously(?) accepted their inheritances of "treasures" early and Lee's house bears the brunt.  Thanks, daughter!!  A loving husband agreed to make sure I didn't have to leave any “treasure” behind as long as I share my jeep occasionally. 
      I have learned so much from this experience.  The joy and delight in giving and receiving the “Thanks” now gives me immeasurable pleasure.  I hope (but not real sure!) that I've learned that possessions are just that--important but not at the top of the list! (God is still working on me)   
      As I have struggled and yet enjoyed reliving the youth of my children in their take home papers, drawings, etc. I have been deeply humbled when I think of our missionaries who go overseas and have no options but to leave it all behind or those who flee their home lands as refugees with nothing but their clothes.  Jesus spoke to all of them but especially  me when He said in Matthew 6: 19-21 “Wherever your treasure is,  there your heart and thoughts will also be.” NLT 
My treasure  really is in books—not the Little Golden Books I have held on to- but the 66 books that complete the BIBLE.  We all share that treasure through Pioneer Bible Translators and the work done so that   “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come     Matthew 24:13-15
      When you partner with us,  whether through prayers and/or support,  you know where your treasure is! - Charliece
PBT is working in 43 different places around the world. Many balls to balance from the International Service Center in Dallas, TX. If you can make it to Dallas, TX please come and spend a night as our guest in our home. We will show you the inner workings of keeping our Pioneer bible Translators safe around the world. - Bill
Love and prayers,
Charliece and Bill Fierbaugh


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